All Staff Directory

We strive to glorify God in everything we do. Every experience here is an opportunity to worship God for who He is and what He’s done.

Pastor Chris Linsky

Chris is the Pastor of Perdido Bay Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida. I surrendered to Jesus Christ and was made a born-again believer at the age of 28. The call to ministry came by a process of many blessings, both professionally and personally through which the Lord’s will became my will to fully surrender to…

Worship Leader

Perdido Bay Baptist Church is seeking a Worship Leader to lead our local body of Christ in a lifestyle of Biblical Worship through song for the Glory and the proclamation of the Gospel.  Must have a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ, the ability to lead congregational singing and a willingness to work within a…

Deonna Linsky

Deonna began serving on staff at PBBC in July 2022. She and Pastor Chris have been married since 1996 and have 5 amazing daughters ranging in ages from 26 to 12. She enjoys reading, gardening, and running when she has the time. She has a passion to share Jesus and teach others what it means…